On 3 and 4 of September, Oviedo will be the venue where international experts on the field of brain ageing, its related disorders, nutrition and lifestyle factors will meet to evaluate the full-proposal funding applications under the NutriBrain call of the ERA4Health Partnership

NutriBrain is the third call published in November 2023 as part of the new ERA4Health partnership co-funded by the European Union. In it, 24 funders from 20 countries have joined forces to support transnational research projects that focus on the improvement of cognitive brain ageing through nutrition and other lifestyle factors. Thereby, it enables scientists from different countries to build a valuable collaboration on interdisciplinary research projects based on complementarities and sharing of expertise in the field of brain ageing, its related disorders, nutrition and lifestyle factors.

In a competitive evaluation process, 37 transnational research project proposals reached the full phase and now, international eminent experts in this field of neuro cognitive impairment, brain ageing, neuromodulation, cognition and the effect of nutrition, sleep, physical activity, social interaction, stress and healthy lifestyle on neuro-cognitive impairment, brain ageing and cognition will meet to discuss and evaluate these proposals in order to establish a ranking list of projects to be funded under this call for proposals with a funding commitment of 20M€.