
ERA4Health CARDINNOV funded projects kick-off meeting

ERA4Health, in particular the French National Research Agency (ANR) as Joint Call Secretariat, is organising the kick-off meeting of the funded projects under the CARDINNOV call -JTC2 ERA4Health partners funded 17 innovative cardiovascular research consortia, who are going to meet virtually to exchange on their projects and identify synergies between them. The consortia will also learn more on ERA4Health and on Patient and Public Involvement and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and Ethics.

ERA4Health launched its second Joint Transnational Call (JTC) for research proposals, co-funded by the European Commission (EC), in December 2022 (JTC2-Cardinnov). In the framework of this call, 20 funding organizations from 16 countries, together with the EC, joined forces to fund the best collaborative transnational research projects under the topic of “Research targeting development of innovative therapeutic strategies in cardiovascular disease”. Ultimately, 17 transnational consortia, composed of 72 principal investigators were selected for funding with a total budget of 18.97 million Euros.

We are excited to inform you that the 17 funded consortia will present their projects to the ERA4Health funders, the Strategic Advisory Board (STAB) and the Ethic RRI Advisory Board (ERAB) members on 8th and 9th of July. This gathering marks the beginning of their work and offers a platform for sharing their projects, plans and goals for the next 3 years and identify synergies between the different projects.

This Kick-off meeting will allow to introduce the funded consortia to the members of the funders, some members of Strategic Advisory Board of ERA4Health and the RRI advisory board. They will receive an update of ERA4Health activities. The meeting will feature two keynote presentations from special guests: one on Patient and Public Involvement, presented by Dr. Paolo Magni, a member of the European Heart Network, represented in the ERA4Health STAB that will present the alliance of foundations and associations as well. And the second on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and Ethics presented by Dr. Antonia Bierwirth , a member of the ERAB. These keynotes will highlight essential aspects of conducting impactful and ethical research with a focus on stakeholders’engagement.
