
Pre-announcement of the Nano and advanced technologies for disease prevention, diagnostic and therapy “NanoTecMec” call

ERA4Health Call for transnational research proposals “Nano and advanced technologies for disease prevention, diagnostic and therapy (NanoTecMec)”

The aims of the call are:

– to support translational research projects that combine innovative approaches in the field of nanomedicine and

– to encourage and enable transnational collaboration between academic research (public and private partnersi.e. research teams from universities, higher education institutions, public research institutions) and clinical/public health research (research teams from hospital, healthcare settings and other healthcare organisations) or R&D activities from industrial enterprises (all size).

The participation of Medical Doctors and clinicians is strongly encouraged. SMEs (Small and Medium-size Enterprises) are also strongly encouraged to participate. 

ERA4Health-JTC4-pre-announcement (Download)

Call timeline

Call pre-announcement 18 October 2023
Publication of the call 14 November, 2023
Webinar Infoday – Opening of the submission system for pre-proposals 21 November 2023
Deadline for the pre-proposals submission 30 January 2024
Deadline for the full-proposals submission 13 June 2024

Further information

Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Dr. Martine Batoux