
Pre-announcement of the HealthEquity call

ERA4Health Call for transnational research proposals “Increasing health equity through promoting healthy diets and physical activity (HealthEquity)”
The aim of this call is to develop novel strategies and targeted approaches to identify, understand, and modify determinants and mechanisms of diet-related behaviour and physical activity as well as sedentary behaviour, which have the potential to break through the cycles maintaining unhealthy behaviours and lifestyles and to reduce health inequalities.

ERA4Health_JTC1 HealthEquity_Pre-Announcement

Call timeline

Call Pre-announcement 14/12/2022
Announcement of the Call 13/01/2023
Submission system will be open 13/01/2023
Deadline for the submission of proposals 14/03/2023 (15:00, CET)

Further information

Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) Contact person: Dr. Felicitas Bosen | Dr. Ann Siehoff Telephone: +49 228 3821-1878 | +49 228 3821-1601 E-mail: